Tag Archive | Study hall

Would you rather live in a world of smoke and mirrors or bask in the clarity of the truth?- Raquel M. Sotto.

I was stuck in study, what many of you might know as study hall and I had nothing to do, nothing at all. (In fact this is where I’m writing this except on a piece of paper and not the computer but since I know I’ll post it when I’m home, I’m trying to write in the past tense) and I was looking around the class room and I saw a quote that said “Would you rather live in a world of smoke and mirrors or bask in the clarity of the truth”- Raquel M. Sotto. Yes, I’m at the type of school where teachers do cheesy things like put up inspirational quotes hoping it will somehow affect us. I’ll be honest some of it actually does seep in with me. Then again I’m an over thinker who reads stuff around the classroom when they’re bored. Back to the story I decided to answer the question and see what debate I can spark up. Because honestly if I don’t I’m going to die of boredom. The one time I actually wish I had hw…. Each sides of the question has its own problems. Living in a world where no one ever lies sounds good but it’s probably horrible. I mean yes you’ll know who likes you, who wants to be your friend, who the jerk is that stole your cookie but at the same time you’ll know what everyone else is really thinking and I mean really. And people can be mean. I know I can. I don’t judge other people before I know them, if someone judges a random person on the street I usually end up make up excuses for them on their behalf, because you never know. But when I do know someone I can be quite opinionated but usually just with personality. Like if you’re the type person who always asks me if I did the homework just so you can copy it every.single.day instead of saying no like a normal person with a back bone would, I just leave it in my locker that way when they ask me for it I can honestly say it’s in my locker. I know that’s stupid but I have this weird issue with saying no, it has something about not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings. I understand copying once but come on enough is enough… I digress too much don’t I. My point is I would tell them exactly how I feel and that they should do their own damn homework. The truth can also hurt if someone hates you for some reason, or thinks you have horrible b.o or finds you annoying or just doesn’t like your face. Sure those are useful things to know but having many people comment on your flaws every single day can be damaging to your self-esteem. Now besides flaws what about people telling you things you just didn’t want need to know. Your best friend could be in love with your boyfriend or they could have some weird fetish of licking their socks off they wear it. Think about food places, could you imagine going to burger king and having the employees tell you exactly how they make it or what’s exactly in it and for all you health freaks out there how many calories it has and which part of it is worth how much. What about restaurants? Think about having a waiter tell you “I spit in your food”, “really? 3 extra chocolate cakes and a diet coke”, “maybe you should lay off the desert there tubby”, “Are you sure you just want a salad you’re a stick” instead of saying “enjoy your meal”. The world may be safer but it just might be scarier too. Can you imagine twitter if everyone spoke their mind… never mind twitter would probably be the same minus the ads. But therapists would be downright scary. So don’t think I want to live in a completely honest world. Now a world of smoke and mirrors sounds bad too. Yah people would be forced to compliment you, key word forced, but so many people would be deceived. And lawyers and car dealers would love it. You’d go to big Sal’s Auto Shop (not a real place as far as I know i just wrote down the first thing to pop into my head) and he’ll sell you a crappy car from 1952 and you’ll think it’s the best thing in the world. Buy I guess with rose-colored glasses you’ll always think it’s great until it stalls in the middle of the highway and some huge truck runs you over . Yah happy fantasy world isn’t looking so great now is it? And for the odd reason that some college guy is reading this think of beer goggles. And as for the lawyers they’d screw over all the good people and there will be criminals running amuck. The earth would be destroyed right now if we lived in this type of world. That’s why if I had to choose I’d pick the completely honest world. I think I’d learn to adjust.

I’m sorry this is extra long class is 45 minutes and I over think waaaaay too much… Which one would you choose?