Why My Domain doesnt say “opinions”

I’d love to say it’s because it has some sort of deep meaning and insight. But I can’t. Yup I really hate to burst your bubble but im stuck with this domain because I am the typo queen. which you’ll probably figure out on your own soon anyway :). But yah I thought to myself every single good domain is taken why not pick one indicating that my blog is gonna be about what I think about. So when I typed in myopionsmythoughts thinking it said myopinionsmythoughts I got widely excited that no one else had it. I don’t know why it never crosses my mind to reread it, but then again in my mind I would have thought it said opinion anyway. Yah my happiness ended like 10 minutes after I realized my mistake.  So that’s my explanation for my failed domain.

I promise not all my blogs will be this boring :).  Maybe ill write a list on random crap, maybe ill write some fiction, maybe ill rant, if anything I just wanna make you smile, or at least nod in agreement. So sit back TAKE YOUR HAND OFF THE MOUSE AND DON’T CLICK TO A DIFFERENT BLOG, and enjoy the random. Just expect expressions. And I’ll be honest sometimes when ranting I can be too brutally honest but bear with me.

ps: if anyone knows how to change domains PLEASE tell me, id like to know your ‘opion’ on how to fix it


More things that run through my head


  • Idk call it OCD but it really bugs me when anyone has a hair slightly out of place its so distracting and I spend my time thinking “THAT PIECE OF HAIR HAS TO DIE”
  • Making a simple mistake isn’t a fail, you take away all meaning by saying it 24/7
  • Procrastination is my attention spans best friend , my digressive mind is their ugly child
  • If your twitter is connected to your fb by all mean use #’s if its not, I’m not telling you not to do it, I’m just letting you know it’s pointless
  • Having someone not like something of yours does not make them a hater, if someone is constantly telling you on how much they hate it, then yah there a hater
  • I’m a friendly person I love to chat, but if you not going to put any effort into the conversation or send me an ok, I’m not going to reply, no I’m not being a [insert your fav insult word here] it’s because your being impossible to talk to
  • I gave up on trying to write a list on things that anger me I ended up writing waaaaay to many explanations on why they do
  • *playing halo on xbox* dude I’m awesome *playing halo on xbox during a party/with other people* dude I suck
  • Don’t you hate it when your nose itches and no matter how much you rub it it stills bugs you, yah I have that same problem except it’s my eyelashes and eyes not my nose
  • I am weird, I don’t like being home from school when I’m sick, because then I don’t get to enjoy my day off, instead I’m home in pain wishing I was healthy in school having fun with friends
  • The following is super stupid and super corny but why don’t people say go to mattress instead of go to bed (maybe because it sound stupid strawberrygyrl6, yah yah I know)
  • I always think something is super hilarious…and then I show/tell it to someone else
  • As much as I love Burger King America has waaaaaay to much fast food places and someone of my friends said that schools should fast food places in them… UM NO I could make a whole post on reasons why that should not happen
  • I wish there were more smoothie places
  • Why do people in scary movies have no common sense what’s so ever, instead of running upstairs to hide in your closet why not run to car and drive to the nearest police station or idk run to a crowded area where the killer would not dare try to kill you because there are too many witnesses , just a thought
  • If you stress eat, (I’m being serious here) stress eat on something healthy, carrots taste good, and strawberries <3, try to eat healthy so you don’t regret it later
  • Saying confusing things that make no sense what so ever to make people think your smart, trust me it works
  •  When people see my list of games they laugh, because my games range from kim possible to thrillville to Karaoke to underground racing to Halo, I know crazy
  • I don’t like Mcdonalds and so many people hate me for it
  • If you don’t like something your watching don’t leave hateful coments and mess up the rating just leave it alone and click to something new, if your going to stay there and take your time out to watch something you hate and then comment on something you hate with intentions on hurting them(ex. I didn’t like this is so much better than OMFG YOU EFFIN SUCK YOU DESERVE TO BE HIT WITH A BUS AND THEN BOILED TILL YOUR HAIR FALLS OUT) says a lot about you

How I ended up meeting my fav youtubers after all

Anyone who has searched up the dial up tour and found my blog about how the tickets were sold out. Well I never actually got to updating it where like a few days later I checked the site and the meet and greet tickets were back on for sale. So I ended up re-buying tickets from that official and getting my sister to buy the house of blues ones off of me. Then I made a horrible mistake and accidentally bought NC tickets which wasn’t useful to me at all. In the end I ended up buying 5 tickets in the process 1 went to my friend, my sisters gonna pay me for the other 2 and as for the 3rd one, I used my extra poster and got Mitchell and Kyle to sign it in purple (I would have had everyone sign the poster but I originally was gonna give it to them and tell them that they can give it away as a prize to the audience or those you didn’t get a meet and greet ticket since I had an extra but I ended up changing my mind when I got to Kyle, I know im a horrible person). Kyle chuckled when I told him about my 3rd poster and asked if I like purple, which I love. Afterwards me and friend made Mitchell lose the game, his reaction was priceless “I LOVED YOU! YOU WERE EVERYTHING! HOW COULD YOU!” man I love him ❤ at the end I ended up in an extra long hug with him in attempt to take a photo and he said I give the best hugs ever. that means I have #hugswag and now im super ecstatic. There were a lot of photo mishaps like when I tried to take one with Alex, my friend didn’t know how to work the camera he said “were fine here, take you time, we’ll just stay here and hug”, things like that, he’s a really genuine person, so sweet <3. I’m thinking of posting the pictures. I took photos with everyone except meekakitty and nanalew, my friends mom was waiting for us. The show its self was really good, really fun and entertaining and I really hope they do another tour, the songs by Alex and Jason were really good and Jason was hilarous when he sang Meekakittys part in a song, you see Alex laughing, Mitchell and Kyle did the skit paper which I love but I didn’t realize I remember it until i saw Mitchell carrying toilet paper but it was too late they already picked someone to go up on stage. But everyone was so nice, believe me they are nice as you think they are, probably nicer, and heads up for future goers of the dial up tour, Mitchell and Alex(who by the way wrote a heart on my signature 😀  and is super super sweet) give thee best hugs there, Jason monday smells fantastic, nanalew will openly give you a hug at the meet and greet table(she’s also really nice), meekakitty is as crazy as she seems online but in a good way, Olan is super funny, and Kyle is so adorable <3, it was thee best day ever :).

It’s Bored in Study Mondays again

I need a better title for this. I’ll be posting a new blog entitled Stupid People Irk me, it’s about things people do that make me mad. It’s going to one post with links to other mini posts explaining my thoughts on things. I’m supposed to get my package In the mail today, the dial up tour package, yay, (okay I wrote this in study earlier today and its 810 and ups still isn’t here and I’m extremely anxious) hey let’s do another would you rather because the quotes around the room aren’t interesting this time. (Originally it was supposed to be would you rather but somewhere between me trying to think and write my mind began to wander and think of quotes)

Would you rather be rich with fake friends or poor with real ones?

I think this is pretty simple. I like happiness therefore I’m going to want real friends to have fun with, friends that make me laugh and understand me not ones that are basically paid to pretend they do.

Sayings that I randomly come when I’m bored and just thinking and things that pops into my head

  1. Give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day teach a man to fish he’ll starve while trying to impress girls with his new manly skill
  2. People that live in glass houses shouldn’t do anything that involves removing clothing
  3. Procrastination never procrastinates to make you procrastinate otherwise there would be no procrastination (I actually broke my brain trying to make this make sense)
  4. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me except of course if what you said was hurtful…
  5. *looks around sees a jabillion text books* I wonder if I can make a fort out of those
  6. I’m all for animal rights but I think it would be hilarious to see someone from PETA and a workers labor union society go to Macy’s during December sit on Santa’s lap and inform him that he’s overworking the reindeer and elves in the north pole and then proceed to give him legal documents threatening to sue if he doesn’t add benefits
  7. Counting sheep only keeps me up longer, I either try to stay away seeing how far I can count or get distracted around #43 and my mind begins to wander
  8. After anyone tell me my sarcasm hurts (only with my friends I wouldn’t wanna be jerk by insulting(jokingly) someone I don’t know) I say I’m sorry I didn’t know sarcasm hurts I would never ever use sarcasm to insult you. It’s not like sarcasm can be used for insults; the sad thing is they take me seriously lol
  9. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop, I don’t like tootsie pops but I wanna know so bad
  10. I notice that even teachers roam the hall ways they look into class rooms to see if they know anybody they can wave to
  11. Dear Mr. Creep sitting across the room from me, I can see you’re staring at me, please stop, I don’t even know who you are
  12. -Don’t get even
    -But don’t you want the world to be balances
    – no make it uneven so it can be on the good side

Happy New Year and My Obligated Resolutions

Happy New Year! I feel obligated to do resolutions (But I don’t feel obligated to saw Happy New Year, I wanted to do that) because I know I have things I want to change about myself, and I feel like saying what I plan to add to this blog but not having a blog dedicated to it if that makes sense or might depending on how long this list becomes, then again this wouldn’t be here if I decided to make a separate…look I’m rambling again.  Anyway here’s my list

  • Great I can’t find the notebook I put my resolutions in, so I guess my first one is to find the book
  • Found it! Move out of the current apartment I’m in (okay yah I have no control over this seeing as my mom pays the bills but I really want to move and I’m hoping we do that soon)
  • Stand up myself. I really need to start doing this, yah I don’t get bullied like I used to when I was little but I know I don’t defend myself as well as I  should
  • Meet Mitchell Davis and Kyle Sibert (this one I’ll be doing soon I just added this to make myself happy, I can’t wait till the dial up tour happens)
  • Finish writing one of my books. Okay so I have started like a bunch of books but never have I finished them yet because I procrastinate and forget a lot and spend my time either playing video games or computer games while watching YouTube
  • Stop wearing my sweater zipped up all the time. I wear to many sweaters (zip ups) and a majority of the time no one sees my outfit, but believe me I have a better reason for the resolution I just don’t feel like writing it lol
  • Get more friends on Xbox live, I just got my Xbox the day before yesterday, sadly I still have to order my games, so I’m going to do that soon and I’ll probably never leave it alone, I plan on getting halo but also a bunch of girly games, I play all types of video games buuuuut if you want to add me mine is Strawberrygyrl6
  • Be more diverse on this site. Man I hope I used that word right. What I mean by this is adding more of my fiction and poetry funny stories yada yada, you know switching it up a little.
  • Go vegan for a month. I. Need. To. Do. This. I really really want to at least give it a try.
  • Start posting videos on my YouTube channel. I actually may not do this one, although I’m thinking I should since I already have 2 videos of me on there because of a theatre program I was with, but I’m not sure if I want to put videos up just yet
  • Come up with more resolutions (self-explanatory)

Sooooo… Do you have any resolutions?

Would you rather live in a world of smoke and mirrors or bask in the clarity of the truth?- Raquel M. Sotto.

I was stuck in study, what many of you might know as study hall and I had nothing to do, nothing at all. (In fact this is where I’m writing this except on a piece of paper and not the computer but since I know I’ll post it when I’m home, I’m trying to write in the past tense) and I was looking around the class room and I saw a quote that said “Would you rather live in a world of smoke and mirrors or bask in the clarity of the truth”- Raquel M. Sotto. Yes, I’m at the type of school where teachers do cheesy things like put up inspirational quotes hoping it will somehow affect us. I’ll be honest some of it actually does seep in with me. Then again I’m an over thinker who reads stuff around the classroom when they’re bored. Back to the story I decided to answer the question and see what debate I can spark up. Because honestly if I don’t I’m going to die of boredom. The one time I actually wish I had hw…. Each sides of the question has its own problems. Living in a world where no one ever lies sounds good but it’s probably horrible. I mean yes you’ll know who likes you, who wants to be your friend, who the jerk is that stole your cookie but at the same time you’ll know what everyone else is really thinking and I mean really. And people can be mean. I know I can. I don’t judge other people before I know them, if someone judges a random person on the street I usually end up make up excuses for them on their behalf, because you never know. But when I do know someone I can be quite opinionated but usually just with personality. Like if you’re the type person who always asks me if I did the homework just so you can copy it every.single.day instead of saying no like a normal person with a back bone would, I just leave it in my locker that way when they ask me for it I can honestly say it’s in my locker. I know that’s stupid but I have this weird issue with saying no, it has something about not wanting to hurt other people’s feelings. I understand copying once but come on enough is enough… I digress too much don’t I. My point is I would tell them exactly how I feel and that they should do their own damn homework. The truth can also hurt if someone hates you for some reason, or thinks you have horrible b.o or finds you annoying or just doesn’t like your face. Sure those are useful things to know but having many people comment on your flaws every single day can be damaging to your self-esteem. Now besides flaws what about people telling you things you just didn’t want need to know. Your best friend could be in love with your boyfriend or they could have some weird fetish of licking their socks off they wear it. Think about food places, could you imagine going to burger king and having the employees tell you exactly how they make it or what’s exactly in it and for all you health freaks out there how many calories it has and which part of it is worth how much. What about restaurants? Think about having a waiter tell you “I spit in your food”, “really? 3 extra chocolate cakes and a diet coke”, “maybe you should lay off the desert there tubby”, “Are you sure you just want a salad you’re a stick” instead of saying “enjoy your meal”. The world may be safer but it just might be scarier too. Can you imagine twitter if everyone spoke their mind… never mind twitter would probably be the same minus the ads. But therapists would be downright scary. So don’t think I want to live in a completely honest world. Now a world of smoke and mirrors sounds bad too. Yah people would be forced to compliment you, key word forced, but so many people would be deceived. And lawyers and car dealers would love it. You’d go to big Sal’s Auto Shop (not a real place as far as I know i just wrote down the first thing to pop into my head) and he’ll sell you a crappy car from 1952 and you’ll think it’s the best thing in the world. Buy I guess with rose-colored glasses you’ll always think it’s great until it stalls in the middle of the highway and some huge truck runs you over . Yah happy fantasy world isn’t looking so great now is it? And for the odd reason that some college guy is reading this think of beer goggles. And as for the lawyers they’d screw over all the good people and there will be criminals running amuck. The earth would be destroyed right now if we lived in this type of world. That’s why if I had to choose I’d pick the completely honest world. I think I’d learn to adjust.

I’m sorry this is extra long class is 45 minutes and I over think waaaaay too much… Which one would you choose?

Not Perfect

(I’ll be honest…)
Okay let get a few things straight. I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect, NOBODY IS FRICKEN PERFECT. Sorry to burst your bubble but what your guardians told you was a lie. You’re not perfect, you may be perfect in their eyes and that’s totally understandable and true the extent that you’re perfect the way you are but in all reality you’re not perfect and that’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes, humans are F.L.A.W.E.D. flawed. No one in this world walks around like a robot that can do no harm. Why am I on this rampage? Because im a 3.3 + gpa student, this has to do with me being scared of failure and mom my accepting no lower than a b-. now ive gotten lower than b’s before on tests I’m not gonna lie, but it usually doesn’t drastically affect my overall grade. I decided to tell my mom about the c I got my latin test only because my teacher decided to give us 4 -5 line random translation(which brought my grade down on the test). Now translation is not really a problem because you just memorize but think of it this way. Each chapter was about 20 lines and the test was on about 8 chapters. If you do the math that means there’s a total of about 160 lines. And she gave us only five lines on the test, but a random 5 lines, so we didn’t know which one to study. That’s 5 lines out of 160 lines making that a 1/32 ( 0.03%) chance of having remembered the right one. How does my mom respond to this when I tell her? Oh she decides to lecture me on my study techniques. That wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t something I already do. I tried to explain to her how the majority of all the classes got 50’s and she tells me I’m not the other students. Alright I find that understandable argument I’m NOT everyone else but at the same time you’d think those other low scores would make my point valid but I guess to my mom it doesn’t. But forget about my grade story. There are other things you can mess up on. Everyone makes mistakes you’re supposed to learn from them. I honestly should take my own advice because half the time I feel like it’s the end of the world when I ever I make a mistake even though it’s clearly not. That shows I over react to a lot, I know I can be a drama queen – probably why I do theatre- thus a flaw showing I’m not perfect either. So if you got offended by me telling you not perfect you shouldn’t be, it’s the truth. And i’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, YOU. ARE. NOT. PERFECT. And that’s okay I’ll accept you for who you are anyway <3. And a quick side note, if you think you’re perfect -…someone needs an ego check- then you’re clearly not perfect. It drives me crazy when people walk around and think they’re the hottest thing on the planet and they’re soo perfect. Well I just found your flaw Mr. Narcissistic. And there are soo many nice people out there that I can’t say are perfect because they are too nice, or they don’t stand up for themselves or possibly have made mistakes in the past or will in the near future. But keep this in mind, not being perfect does not mean you’re not a good person. It also doesn’t mean you should change who you are. Sorry about this excessive rant but I just needed to let my feelings out. And if it helps your perfect to me <3…even with your flaws :). Any “opions”?

ps: If you ever get the idea that i’m perfect which i doubt you will, just take a look at the url at the topic of the screen and notice how it doesn’t say opinions

My MiniFreakout

I’ll be honest,

I’m a bigger YouTube nerd than I should admit and one of my favorite YouTubers is livelavalive(Mitchell Davis and Kyle Sibert). Now, me and friend were planning on going to see the dial-up tour and do the meet and greet but we had to wait until our parents gave us permission. A week or two later our parents gave us permission and the only think left to do, was well get the tickets. My mom said that we shouldn’t order the tickets until they paid and my friend’s mom said that they shouldnt pay until they got the tickets. Neither parent knew what the other was thinking but I thought of an idea to just use my paycheck and tell my mom that my friend gave me the money (then later on she would get the tickets and I would get my money back). So Thursday night comes along(or Wednesday I don’t quite remember) my mom finally goes to order the tickets and I find out the tickets in my city are sold out. I cried that night. I know I know, I shouldn’t cry over something like that but I’ll admit it, I cried. I was super excited to go and whoosh the opportunity was taken away. After many tears and explaining to my friend the tickets were sold out, Friday showed up. I was watching a Jake and Amir video where they said they were in my city, in the same place where livelavalive was supposed to be. I looked it up on their website and what do I see, an upcoming performance of livelavalive. So I click on it and they had tickets for sale. I was a bit confused cause the dial-up tour site said that they were sold out.  I go through the process of trying to order it, while frantically getting ready for an Xmas party. In the end I end up getting the tickets. There was no meet and greet but I could still see a few of my fav YouTubers. I called up my friend super excited. And now I’m extra happy because I do get to see them after all. Yah, I can’t do the meet and greet but I still get to see them. Besides when I get there I’m taking the first offer I get to meet them, whether its last minute meet and greet tickets or being pulled up on stage. Thanks for reading my incredible dorky story.  🙂

My Favorite Youtubers

told you I was a youtube nerd

  • mitchell davis (met him <3)
  • destry
  • shane dawson
  • kyle sibert (met him <3)
  • nathen (desandnate)
  • onision
  • deefizzy
  • swiftkaratechop
  • sean klitzner
  • jackfilms
  • tobuscus
  • ryan higa
  • community channel
  • ray william johnson
  • lance patrick (chatted with him on skype <3)
  • hoodie allen (replied to my tweet <3)
  • cyr
  • meekakitty (met her <3)
  • finebrothers
  • heyitsmilly
  • brittanilouisetaylor
  • mattg124
  • alex carpenter (met him <3)
  • collegehumor(mainly jake and amir)
  • steffcomedy
  • teamfourstar
  • pogobat
  • wheezywaiter
  • totallysketch
  • jason munday (met him <3)
  • vlogbrothers
  • smpfilms
  • FNC(fridaynightcranks)
  • charlieissocoollike
  • nerimon
  • kickthepj
  • joenation
  • ownagepranks
  • mysteryguitarman
  • potentialcelebrity
  • secretagentbob
  • nanalew (met her <3)
  • kpopp
  • philip de franco (sxephil)
  • mritryhard
  • wehavegirlfriends
    Now if you were to ask me to rank them, that would probably take me a good week or so because I’ll end up trying to debate against myself trying to see who goes where on the list. I mean I could always try by putting who I watch the most but it would still probably take me forever. But yah, do you watch youtube? If so who do you watch? What’s your “opion” on my taste?….I really hope I didnt miss any youtubers

Things I want to do before I die/ Bucket List

Those crossed off i have done before i tried not to add anything that i have done before making a list but some i accomplished something i really wanted to do and thats why some things are already crossed off. Note: just because something is at the bottom of the list and is crossed off does not mean it was done last, i added things to the list in random places and as i thought of them

  1. Fall in love
  2. Get a lead in a play or at least a really important principle character
  3. Actually be able to sing properly
  4. Act on stage for a professional theatre
  5. Become an equity actor
  6. Try to take up cheerleading again
  7. Voice at least 5 cartoon character voices on TV
  8. Launch videos on my YouTube channel  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvmOY4w861E&context=C3be0a1fADOEgsToPDskKs2f4nPI2pNId-Lx1_ANE5
  9. Stop being a wimp and tell a guy I like himto his face
  10. Meet at least 1 of the Youtubers on my list
  11. See atleast 1 of my fav Youtubers live
  12. Meet all the YouTubers on my list (list will be coming out soon….)
  13. Kiss one of the YouTubers on my list…but I guess a hug would do too but I’d prefer a kiss (got the hug not a kiss, then again i didnt ask for one lol)
  14. Do a successful back-flip
  15. Be a part of a flashmob
  16. At least try to go vegetarian for  3 months
  17. Have my hair grow 6 inches past my shoulder
  18. Become captain of my tennis team
  19. Shop in paris
  20. Go a day without making a fool of myself
  21. Actually finish writing of one the novels I started
  22. Perform an original poem at a poetry slam
  23. Make a cd worth of lyrics and have someone sing it
  24. Get married and have children
  25. Become good friends with a youtuber(i feel like most youtubers understand me better than most people in school)…not a TV celeb…I have my  reasons
  26. Face plant into a cake on camera but only if its vanilla cake with chocolate frosting…even though chocolate cake is my fav and face planting into a cake would be completely embarrassing
  27. Go to a party on a yacht
  28. Throw a hotel pool party
  29. Learn to juggle
  30. Make the world’s best smoothie
  31. Drink the world’s best smoothie
  32. Sell the world’s best smoothie
  33. Discontinue the sale of the world’s best smoothie so I can have it to my self
  34. Even though I hate science fair projects so much I would like to actually be accepted into science fair so I won’t have to feel like it wasn’t a waste of time
  35. Meet Eminem, Bowling for SoupWe the kings
  36. Learn to swim
  37. Be paid to act
  38. Move in with my best friend after college
  39. Go to vidcon …yah I told you I’m a YouTube nerd
  40. Be fluent in sign lanuage
  41. Spend a day talking in third person
  42. Spend a day narrating my life
  43. Have a sleepover on Halloween and only watch scary movies
  44. Do one of those tv montouges where the music plays while me and my friends try on clothes and take loads of photos
  45. Convince someone that they slept through a whole day
  46. Try out for a musical
  47. Get casted for a musical
  48. Be in a musical
  49. Make varsity on my tennis team
  50. Make a dramatic exit


Ahh, procrastination my life long dear friend that I hate. I want to blame my waiting till the last-minute on me getting distracted, which isn’t entirely wrong but most of the blame I think has to go to me procrastinating. Okay now be honest we all do it. But why!?!? No seriously why, I remember reading a cracked article about it (cracked.com it’s actually a really funny site, sorta like collegehumor.com, anyways back to my complaining) I was doing my English homework thinking of doing an article on procrastination but waiting till I was done with it and then go onto my laptop write my physics work THEN write this article. But noo instead I hopped right onto this website to procrastinate by writing about procrastination. You’re probably thinking -well at least im thinking- why don’t I just get off this website and do my home work. The answer is simple procrastination is fun and takes basically no effort. Unless you’re one of those people who procrastinate by doing more work than they have to. You know what I mean, people who instead of writing an essay find a million others things they have to do that they’d normally hate doing (ie. washing the dishes, cleaning their room, counting the hairs on their head). I know you can’t see me so you probably wont believe if I told you I just procrastinated writing this by getting distracted by youtube. I have a feeling I’ll never get my home work done. But what I find funny is im always procrastinating but I always get my work done. The thing is sometimes I don’t even remember starting my home work let alone finishing it. All I know is I go to school the next day go into my folder and there’s my home work. The only home work I really actually remember doing is my English, probably because I like to read and write, but then again I love math but I end up finishing math homework in class anyway. Look at me I’m off topic. But yah procrastination can be good or bad depending on the situation, but in the end it’ll most likely be a pain in the but when you look at the clock and realize you have an hour to do what ever it is your suppose to do. Well I’m going to get off this site for now and actually do my homework…is something I wish I could say, most likely I’ll find myself on youtube  until most of today is over.

How do you procrastinate? Any suggestions or ‘opions’ on how I can over come it, besides the obvious me just doing the work? (lol)
